The History of Heights Crossing in the City of Brockton
The Heights Crossing community has maintained a strong relationship with the city of Brockton over the years. Heights Crossing has hosted a variety of community and city-wide events, welcoming residents, friends, family, and Brockton locals to come together. In this way, Heights Crossing’s events have become a staple in the greater Brockton area, transforming the city into a gathering hub for some of the area’s most significant and longstanding events. Heights Crossing is grateful for Brockton’s steadfast support!
Each year, Heights Crossing is lucky to host and support some of Brockton’s most popular events, including the Mayor’s Summer Concert Series, the Antique Auto & Classic Car Show, Keep Brockton Beautiful, and more!

Mayor’s Summer Concert Series
The Mayor’s Summer Concert Series was established in 1999. Announced annually by the Brockton Mayor’s office, it is a series of free live performances from local artists, which are open to the public on each Wednesday throughout the summer. These concerts provide wonderful opportunities for the community to gather together, enjoy the summer air, and express their love of music. Over the years, the concert series has become a summer tradition for the Brockton community, and Heights Crossing has been able to form lasting bonds with people from all over the greater Brockton area. Check out a recording of the 2022 Mayor’s Summer Concert Series linked here, aired originally on July 6th, 2022 by Brockton Community Access.

Antique Auto & Classic Car Show
The Antique Auto & Classic Car Show, established in 1999, has been a staple in the Brockton community for over 20 years. At its earliest stages, the event had only 8-10 cars in attendance. However, as the Mayor’s Summer Concert Series got people talking about Heights, the event blossomed into a public event open to all of Brockton! The show has received some notable attendees over the years, including the Mayor of Brockton, and has an annual turnout of nearly 400 people. The event serves as a fantastic way to wind down the summer months with festive treats and family-friendly activities. In 2022, Heights Crossing held their 23rd annual show with live music, raffles, a barbeque, and 104 antique auto and classic cars on display!

Keep Brockton Beautiful
Heights Crossing has been a sponsor of Keep Brockton Beautiful since 1999, and the building serves as a starting point for volunteer crews. Volunteers register and pick up equipment at the community, and then branch out to all areas of Brockton. They pick up litter, rake leaves, remove graffiti, and complete other beautification tasks to keep their city looking its best! At the end of the day, Heights Crossing hosts a cookout to celebrate the volunteers’ hard work.