Support for Seniors in the Community

Yours is a far-reaching and very impactful career. You create a dynamic place where seniors living at home in their community can gather together for a wide range of programs, from lectures to art classes to trips to local casinos. You engage with other city and town officials to create senior-friendly community policies and programs, and consult on issues related to aging.

You are expected to be able to recommend local services and options for older individuals from transportation to senior living communities to how to navigate senior discounts. Many of you host senior fairs as a way to bring together all of the services, support and options your community offers to older individuals.

Our community directors, programmers and nurses work collaboratively with COA and Senior Center Directors to support and extend your efforts. Here is how we do that:

Public Education Presentations

We can extend your programming efforts by presenting our popular workshops and interactive cooking classes at Senior Centers in the towns and cities near our communities. Our new Brain Healthy Cooking for One class has been very well received! See if we have an Assisted Living community near you.

Professional Education Courses for You

We present courses for CE credits at COA state-wide conferences, as well as small groups. See if we have something that interests you!

Dementia Friendly Initiative

We have created all of the resources you need to make your town or city “dementia friendly”. We are proud to be leaders in this worldwide movement to support seniors with Alzheimer’s in their communities, and we offer our expertise and all materials free of charge.

Senior Bullying Initiative

This new public education campaign, a practical roadmap to combating bullying among older adults, has been very well received by Senior Center Directors, who unfortunately witness bullying in their centers. Learn more about our Senior Bullying program.

Events, Memory Cafes and Support Groups

You can rely on Senior Living Residences to host COA events at our communities should you wish to do so, with refreshments provided by a professional chef. Perhaps we can offer outdoor space that you don’t have access to for a special event. We also co-host or support existing Memory Cafes and our Alzheimer’s Support Groups are open to anyone who wants to join.

Senior Fairs

Contact us if you are hosting a Senior Fair. We will come with a professional display and giveaways for attendees!

Educational Resources For You & Local Seniors