Neville Place’s Annual Art Show Brings Generations Together with Memorable Works

Resident Carol Mersereau color coordinates with her floral artwork

Neville Place Assisted Living and Compass Memory Support, located at Fresh Pond, recently held its annual art show. The exhibit had a multigenerational influence, as it featured the artwork of residents and visiting Lesley University students. 

Attendees, including residents, families and the general public, observed art created from a variety of mediums, ranging from floral paintings to photographs, collages and portraits. The multitude of styles showcased the artists’ immense talent. Residents at Neville Place have abundant opportunities to pursue their artistic passions or discover new skills through the community’s EnrichedLIFE programming.

The Neville Place community thoroughly enjoys visits from Lesley students. Conversations between older and younger generations at the art show sparked an atmosphere of learning and hope, as each group drew inspiration from the other.